Here is the concise list of Top Ideas for businesses focusing on future trends.

1. Lead Generation for Small Businesses (Our Top Pick)

This is literally a life changing business idea, and I’m speaking from experience.

I got into it in 2014 and still building it in 2021.

I’ve made money with Amazon FBA, Shopify Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing but I still find this lead gen biz to be the most lucrative & stable long term.

In the video below, I explain why it’s so easy to get clients to pay us month after month in this local lead generation business. Results in advance is what makes this model better than any other form of digital marketing businesses. (including social media marketing)

Yea once you grasp this concept and master this skill.

You should never have money problems.

Small businesses aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Neither is the internet.

From 2020 to 2030, online marketing (especially generating traffic from Google) is going to become the single most important thing for small business owners.

Yet they don’t have the time to master this skillset themselves.

There’s 30 million small businesses in the US alone.

You found this site because I know how to rank in Google.

That’s a skillset that not too many people have.

Having valuable skills others don’t have is what sets you apart in entrepreneurship.

We have 6000 students in our group.

Here’s Facebook testimonials of 6000 students doing lead generation:In-Depth Webinar by Ippei & Biz Partner Going Over the Lead Generation Business

Opt-in Below to Watch!

Opt-in above and we’ll show you exactly how this business model works. 

It’s been successful since 2014 and still going strong in 2021 even during COVID-19 quarantine. Not only is it the best business idea to make money, but it’s the best future oriented business idea out there. If you’ve found something you think is better, please drop a comment below. No shade, I would truly be interested.

2. Selling PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)

Reality check alert.

COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Despite our best efforts to contain and eradicate this virus, the numbers continue to climb.

This is not a political debate.

The scientific evidence supports that the use of PPE equipment limits the spread.

Masks and other PPE products reduce the risk to both you and those you come in contact with.

We’re talking masks, gowns-anything to keep you and your loved ones safe and protected.

Many experts are saying that the need to wear a mask in public will last at least 3 years at this point.

And if you were following online business trends in 2020, you would have seen the absolute PPE explosion that occurred sometime before the summer. Sites like offer American-made products and a chance to become an affiliate and get a piece of the pie.

Inside our program, we are teaching how to create B2B deals with governments, corporations, schools and small businesses on bulk orders of masks, gowns, hand sanitizers & more.

3. Space Tourism

Space Travel Photo

Technology has opened up the window of possibilities for human recreation and research.

Space travel and tourism are close to becoming a reality.

By 2029, this UBS report estimates that space travel will be worth over $20 billion while space tourism is expected to pull in nearly $3 billion.

Testing is still very new, but advancements continue to be made to expand the reach of this industry. 

Humans have been naturally curious about space since…I dunno…the beginning of time?

So even if you’re looking for a great future business idea for 2050, something related to space will be a safe bet.

4. Boat & Helicopter Tourism

Who doesn’t want to explore their new vacation spot by sightseeing on a helicopter or taking a scenic boat ride?

Not only are you expanding the local offerings a tourist has access to, but you’re also providing a unique experience that will definitely create lasting memories.

High upfront costs revolve around purchase of the boat or helicopter, while also factoring in the hiring of staff if you don’t plan to obtain licensure to handle a boat or helicopter.

A costly endeavor, ensure your success by adhering to a few fundamental factors such as:

This article offers additional information on how to start a helicopter sightseeing business worth reading.

5. Robotics

Robotics will be huge in our future.

With each passing year, robots become more and more impressive.

Mass automation hasn’t happened yet, but it’s pretty much inevitable at this point.

People will lose their jobs.

Entire industries will die.

But there will always be ample opportunities for entrepreneurs that can take advantage of the situation.

There are almost endless applications for robots in our current world.

And that means that robotics is one of the best industries to start a business in 2021.

Robots can be used in cleaning, construction, entertainment, and even warfare.

People who understand robotics are going to be in high demand.

Robot repair, diagnostics, and maintenance are all areas with massive potential.

6. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Machines programmed to think and act like humans.

The future of this industry is staggering.

AI is a $39.9 billion market slated to see a CAGR of 42.2% from 2020-2027 as per this post.

AI differs from robotics.

AI concentrates on programming intelligence as opposed to building physical entities as per this publication.

As AI becomes more advanced, it will continue to impact industries across the board.

Industries currently implementing AI, as evidenced in this article include fields like:

Industries Currently Implementing AI:

Factors driving the market, as outlined in this post, include things like affordability-automation-faster connectivity-and increased productivity.

Artificial intelligence is here now.

And this future business idea is guaranteed to see tremendous growth and economic opportunities well past 2021. 

7. Internet Infrastructure

The pandemic has confirmed that American’s internet bandwidth requires a serious overhaul.

Businesses are restructuring and have subsequently increased their online interactions.

This massive rebuilding has created a growing need for advanced internet infrastructure.

Projected to see a growth rate of 2.2% between 2020-2025, the expected generated revenue of this massive conglomerate was estimated to be over $37 million by the end of 2020.

Internet infrastructure interconnects internet users, allowing them to communicate with anyone in the world.

Companies looking for viable solutions to address their internet demands can operate what is referred to as high-capacity backbones.

This is the process connecting Network Access Protection (NAPs) on a global scale-meaning business owners have control over their computer’s overall health and associated policies.

There are several benefits for a business who chooses to own their internet infrastructure, such as:

Benefits Of Internet Infrastructure For Business Owners:

More businesses will conduct daily interactions online, driving the demand for an affordable and effective solution like internet infrastructure.

This one safely lands a spot as a great technology business idea through 2030.

8. IoT (Internet of Things)

What if you could harness a top future business idea with endless possibilities and profitability?


Then you may want to consider The Internet of Things (IoT).

A system of interrelated and internet-connected commodities.

IoT collects and shares data using a wireless network with no human intervention.

According to this article, the IoT market is expected to reach $136 billion globally, with a CAGR of 12.5% by 2021.

Embedded technology allows organizations to reduce operational costs-increase efficiency-scale productivity-and minimize human mediation.

Factors contributing to IoT expansion as per this post include things like:

As the world becomes more dependent on automation-AI-internet-and cloud options, there is nothing but growth potential for the IoT industry.

This article offers suggestions for launching an IoT business.

An idea that’s sure to be a highly fortuitous business model.

9. Minority Businesses

The journey has been slow and arduous.

But 2020 offered hope as BLM swept across the globe.

We won’t change racial barriers overnight.

But it’s about time that people realized that minorities are some of the greatest drivers of creative small business ideas.

And with adequate changes and more attention, business owners can hit it big time like Fenty (pictured above) a trail blazer for minorities.

Fenty is using images of people from every ethnic group.

Embracing inclusivity in business.

But more needs to happen collectively.

More discussions about the problems.

Acknowledging the need for drastic change is-at the very least-a start.

We need more minority entrepreneurs.

Investing and mentoring an underrepresented portion of our population-minority businesses are part of positive and productive future change.

The beauty industry has already begun embracing this concept with hair and make-up.

But we need to do better.

We need to be better.

By investing in minority-owned businesses, we can begin to close the gap in racial wealth.

Build up communities and generate economic opportunities for everyone.

Check out how Fenty is embracing change to get an idea of how you can adopt this top future business idea.

10. Fitness Tech

Sleekly designed earbuds, a mini smart-watch with multiple functions–consumers are always looking for the latest advancements to their workout gear and equipment. 

People are constantly on the move. Making it possible for consumers to fit daily workouts conveniently into their crazy schedules closes another barrier to a healthy lifestyle.

Strava is a top contender in the fitness tech industry.

With over a million subscribers-they offer free mobile apps and online website support.

From workout plans and recording methods-Strava is connecting athletes around the world.

Mobile fitness apps related to exercise and diet are some of the most popular apps downloaded from the Apple store according to Statista’s recently updated article, accounting for 3.31% of the app market share.

11. Amazon FBA Business

2020 pushed a lot of people to start looking for small business opportunities from home.

Is it possible to get in on an Amazon business without stocking physical product inventory in your garage?

The answer is yes. With Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) they do it all for you…

FBA has allowed everyday people like me and you to source various physical products from overseas and launch your own unique brand.

All while never having to maintain inventory, ship or deal with returns yourself.

Create a unique brand & packaging to make your product stand out above the competition.

A popular thing that FBA sellers tend to do is add extra items/bonuses on to a product that is very helpful… adding more value

So instead of just selling a zucchini spiral spaghetti maker, you add cookbooks to it, and a skin peeler

This business takes some patience and perseverance to build, for example some products may not just work out despite doing everything correctly.

Success ultimately depends on the product you pick.

And if you pick a product that’s just not taking off, there are ways to liquidate your inventory by running paid ads so you can recover your inventory expenses.

Once the product ranks and it’s got decent amount of reviews from happy customers, just like the lead generation business, you have a piece of property on the internet that’ll keep making passive income for you.

That’s a good feeling.

There’s a lot of moving parts to this business, it is highly recommended to invest in a course so you can stack the odds of success heavily in your favor. But done right, it can become one of those coveted kitchen table businesses that everyone wants.

I got a list of my top 5 Amazon FBA courses of 2021, you can check it out here.

12. Online Medical Supply and Equipment Provider

The medical field has remained somewhat untouched throughout the years by the invisible hand of the market while Internet use has soared. As long as humans experience sickness, it ain’t going anywhere. So trying to get in on the best future business ideas for healthcare is definitely a smart move.

Healthcare providers and medical patients are in constant need of various types of supplies, often on-demand and with short notice.

The types of medical equipment often in high demand include gloves, bedpans, canes, exam kits, and more.

Though Amazon controls a large portion of the online medical supplies market, there’s still room for other competitors in niched medical markets, as other retailers reported a 16% growth increase in 2017 alone.

You can always connect with and hook up as an affiliate to grab a piece of this lucrative opportunity if this suggestion grabs your attention.

13. Online Therapy 

Better Help is transforming how people connect with professional support in these uncertain and stressful times and is a recognized leader in online counseling.

Online and virtual counseling and therapy was a concept in its infancy stages pre-pandemic.

But COVID-19 has drastically expedited the process.

The pandemic has played a fundamental role in the upsurge of available online therapy options as per this article.

Quarantines-lockdowns-and limited social interactions have caused distress for many.

Self-isolation-mental health issues-substance abuse-addictions.

The cure has been nearly as devastating as the disease.

The solution?

Online therapy and mental health apps like those listed in this post.

Connecting people to qualified and trained therapists or counselors with a variety of options like video chat and text messaging.

Effective as traditional therapy at a fraction of the cost.

A competitive playing field evidence suggests that online therapy has the stickiness to remain a viable option long after the dust from this pandemic settles.

This $259.9+ million industry is expected to see a CAGR of 24.65% from now through 2026, as per this post.

The competition might be there-but clearly so is the demand.

14. Blockchain Health Record Digitization & Sharing Company

Blockchain is a digital record of transactions.

An open and dispersed ledger able to record contracts securely and effectively.

When implemented in the healthcare sector-blockchain allows patients and medical professionals to connect with other hospitals and medical centers.

Individuals can collect medical data automatically for a specified period.

Blockchain negates the growing concern over misplaced or mishandled patient records and inefficiencies.

It adds a layer of security to address the rise in data and security breaches.

Expected to see a CAGR of more than 70% from 2020-2027 as per this post.

There is no doubt that blockchain will play a vital role in the future of the healthcare system.

Factors driving market growth, as outlined in this publication, include things like: 1

Increase In Information Leaks & Data Breaches 2

Growing Need For Efficient Health Data Management Systems 3

Reduction Of Drug Counterfeits 4

Need For Better Recording of Health Care Systems & Medical Examination Systems

By leveraging blockchain technology, the healthcare system will be better positioned to reduce any altering of data.

Be better equipped to maintain data integrity and management.

This article offers further insight into how blockchain technology will transform the healthcare system moving forward.

15. Chatbots

You’ve most likely communicated with a chatbot before without even knowing it.

That’s because more companies are taking advantage of chatbots to handle minor customer service interactions quickly and personally.

Testing and research have made them more human-like and intelligent.

The outlook for these mini assistants balloons to massive figures like an expected 136% growth rate over the next 18 months alone!

If you are going to invest in the effort to design and implement a chatbot, hitting up the ideal clientele to get optimal cash for your hard work is imperative.

Consider connecting with some of the following companies to get the highest ROIs on your investment:

  1. Authors
  2. Marketing agencies
  3. Bloggers
  4. Gyms & fitness centers
  5. Insurance agencies
  6. Realtors

If chatbots are your thing, check out this post on how to build a passive income with your creations and generate a fortuitous business for yourself.

16. 360 Degree Photography

photography photo

This niched area of photography has so much untapped potential in the realms of social media and marketing. 

360 photos offer a panoramic view of a scene or location, allowing users to view the surrounding scenery as if they were there.

For businesses that rely on aesthetics such as wedding planning, landscape, real estate, and others, implementing 360-degree photography allows customers to take an intimate step ‘behind the scenes’.

This helps take the guesswork and uncertainty out of the prospecting process.

Social media platforms like Facebook have added 360-degree photography for users to share, so jumping in early to this new type of visual would be extremely advantageous.

You can start this business off with basically just yourself, a camera, and a laptop with internet access, which makes this one of the best future small business ideas.

17. Micro-Mobility Services

If you have ever been stuck in traffic or need a lift to the nearest public transit, you may want to sit up and pay attention.

Micro mobility refers to any ‘vehicle’ that can carry one or two people and is compact enough to squeeze through even the worst congestion.

Think scooters, electric bicycles, and small battery-operated cars.

The created forecast for micro-mobility is estimated to be worth approximately $200-$300 billion by 2030 in the United States alone.

Not every American has the financial means to purchase their own micro-mobility vehicle, opening up a massive market for rental options and vehicle-sharing schemes.

Utilizing mobile APPs, potential customers can locate, unlock, and pay for the use of a rental.

There are numerous advantages to capitalizing on the rental micro-mobility market and include:Owning A Micro-Mobility Rental Business Advantages:

Better connects people with public transportation.

Reduces the need for ‘full-size’ vehicles, thus minimizing congestion.

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Short-range journey alternative.

The income potential in this industry is only just beginning as evidenced in this publication

The documentation supports that this market will continue to see a high-demand, suggesting that this is one of the best future business ideas for 2020-2030.

18. Car Sharing Business

Turo is a $1 billion company and ‘the boss’ of the car-sharing industry.

The premise is simple.

List your vehicle for use on their website and earn cash.

With the average Turo host earning between $500-$700/month as per this post.

If you have an extra vehicle-or one just sitting in your drive, this idea is worth considering.

More cost-effective than rentals people worldwide are taking advantage of this convenient service.

A passive income stream, if you’re interested in learning more, you can check out Turo here.

The car sharing market is projected to see a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of over 24% between 2020-2026.

This industry growth is being fuelled by the adaptation of urban mobility solutions and national demand for greener solutions.

With a market value exceeding $2.5 billion, the congestion in city centers and overcrowding on public transportation make car sharing a no brainer and one of the best future business ideas in 2020-2030.

Factors Driving The Car Sharing Market: 1

Government emission regulations and a reduction in vehicle emissions. 2

Increased consumer demand for viable and eco-friendly mobility options. 3

Advancements to technology, including electric vehicles and digital car keys.

This industry is facing unavailability and shortage issues confirming that the current supply is not meeting the demand.

Not only a highly lucrative endeavor, the car sharing market is also riddled with scalability and will see a continued rise in profitability, as further evidenced in this article.

Your biggest competition will be ‘ride-hailing’ and on-demand taxi services.

If you can coordinate an easy to use platform for your customers, car sharing will see you secure big-ticket financial gains.

19. Drones

drone photo

There are many uses for drones in today’s market which makes starting a drone business more viable than ever.

So many industries utilize drones that Goldman Sachs projects the drone industry to be worth over $100 billion by the end of 2020.

A variety of different models and prices exist, so small businesses can realistically create a stockpile of drones for use.

Some of the things people use drones for include:

Governments and corporations continue to explore how drones can capture vital footage and data.

20. Nanosatellites

We want better.

We want faster.

We want more affordable.

From government organizations to educational institutions and entrepreneurial startups-people want the best model for the lowest price.

Nanosatellites are the ‘small-sat’ answer in a fast-paced technological trend to get data quickly for a fraction of the cost.

The global nanosatellite market is expected to reach $6.35 billion by 2021, as per this post.

Slated to see a CAGR of 18% from 2020-2025 as per this publication-nanosatellites are one of the hottest new fads of space technology.

So what’s driving this futuristic trend?

Things outlined in this article like:

Contribute to significant advancement in technology

Increased demand for low earth orbit (LEO)-based services

Rise in the appeal for earth observation related applications

Need for non-governmental related satellite imagery

Conducting business in the final frontier has never been more affordable or accessible.

This top future business idea 2020-2030 will be next level.

Check out this article outlining how and why unique startup ideas in the space sector are one future venture capitalist suggestion worth investigating.

21. Box Subscription Services

Subscription business ideas in 2021 are in no short supply. But box services are among the most popular.

People from all over the world find themselves getting hooked on box subscription services.

And one of the top players is Bespoke Post.

Raking in profit margins between $10-$100+ million as per this article-this subscription box company know what they’re doing.

Boxes range from $45-$55/box and are filled with anything and everything unique.

The concept of subscription boxes is simple:

Pay a fee each month, and you’ll get a box filled with all kinds of goodies. You can get boxes that have all kinds of different themes.

These range from beauty products, pet products, video game products, any many others.

It’s proving to be quite a profitable business in 2021 already, and it’s likely to continue on its path to success long into the future.

People love the feeling of opening a “mystery box.” It’s kind of like opening a present on Christmas day – only you get one each and every month.

22. Ghost Kitchens

You may recognize this face from the Food Network.

Rubbing elbows with the likes of Guy Feiri and Alex Bornacello.

But you may not know that Eric Greenspan isn’t just a kick-ass chef.

He is a business-savvy investor and one of the founding fathers spearheading the ghost kitchen phenomenon.

COVID-19 has all but annihilated the restaurant industry.

But during a crisis you have three choices.

Fight-****-or hit the fence.

And for chefs and restaurateurs they are choosing to fight.

Enter the ghost kitchen.

Also referred to as the dark kitchen-virtual restaurant-or cloud kitchen as per this article-the goal is consistent.

Utilize online ordering to stay afloat during the pandemic crisis.

It’s all about the digital realm.

Virtual brands are created solely for the purpose of delivery.

There isn’t a brick and mortar establishment.

Ghost kitchens can be set up anywhere.

Negating the need to pay for staffing-utilities-etc. as outlined in this publication.

Foodie entrepreneurs are banking on the increasing popularity and trend of online delivery.

And are willing to take a chance if it means staying out of the red. 

Check out this article for the inside scoop on starting a ghost kitchen

23. Electric Car

Whether you believe in the hype or not, the reality is that electric cars will become the default vehicle of the future. 

Made for longevity and environmental sustainability, electric cars help decrease the use of fossil fuels and toxic fuel emissions.

They’re also super technologically advanced.

To prepare for the new wave of electric vehicle ownership, small business owners can capitalize by setting up charging stations, opening an electric vehicle garage, and even renting out electric vehicles.

24. Virtual Medical Appointment System

appointment system photo

While big hospital systems drop millions of dollars perfecting their online booking platform, smaller clinics and practices don’t enjoy this luxury.

This is more detrimental than you think. 

An article published by the Pittsburg Post Gazette in early 2019 claims that the healthcare system as a whole has lost over $150 billion in a single calendar year due to appointment no-shows. 

Imagine how much impact this has on independent hospitals and clinics.

Developing a reliable, interactive, and affordable online medical appointment system can help these small businesses fine-tune their patient notification and follow-up processes. 

It’s an innovation that’s very high in demand and will continue to expand as the new decade progresses.

25. Business Coach

United States unemployment rates are at an all-time high.

Businesses that have managed to say afloat want to stay in the black.

With a recession rivaling that of the Great Depression, business owners are turning to a business coach.

A professional to not only hold them accountable but build actionable strategies to maintain profitability.

The business coaching market experienced a revenue increase at an annualized rate of 3.4% from 2015-2020 and is projected to grow 1.1% by the end of this year, exceeding a $14 billion industry revenue.

Business coaches are retained to help business owners clarify their vision and create a blueprint for getting them there.

This is different from business consulting.

From leadership and management training, information technology seminars, and customized consultations, the goal is professional development.

Business coaching encompasses several main products and services, which include:

According to this article published by Forbes in 2019, the three fastest-growing niches for business coaches are:

The most significant issue facing this market is an influx of ‘coaches’-meaning people who aren’t highly qualified but present themselves as experts.

There is definitely potential to earn a substantial income through business coaching-if you are the real deal.

26. Business Process Outsourcing Services

Today’s market is uber-competitive.

Companies looking for an edge are embracing ways to minimize costs and increase productivity.

Enter Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).

Projected to grow by $108.3 billion with a CAGR of 6.2% per this post-BPO is a hot futuristic trend sure to secure massive payouts.

BPO refers to outside-third party service providers who are retained to address specific functions for a particular business.

Of course, there are pros and cons associated with this concept, as evidenced in this publication, including:Pros:


BPO offers a plethora of opportunities for business owners looking to maximize their growth potential and crush the competition.

27. Coworking Spaces

COVID-19 may have slowed the growth of coworking spaces. 

But the dip will be short-lived.

Expected to reach values exceeding $11.52 billion in 2023-coworking spaces are slated to experience a CAGR of 21.3% as per this publication.

Coworking is essentially workers from differing companies and freelancers utilizing shared office space.

There are several benefits to coworking space as per this post.

Think things like:

As a venture capitalist-offer an all-inclusive shared workspace.

Or niche down and consider offering amenities for an existing setup.

Check out this article for tips on starting a profitable coworking space post-pandemic.

28. Cloud Migration As A Service

Hybrid cloud is the new normal.

We’ve had to make a lot of adjustments in 2020.

Some good.

Some not so great.

But cloud migration as a service is one top future business ideas 2020-2030. And if you ask me, this is a really innovative business idea for students. They can just learn some skills, hop onto that laptop they’re already glued to anyway and put it to good use.

This is an idea that can give much-needed assistance to business owners as they continue to navigate through the unchartered territory of remote and work from home mandates.

Cloud migration refers to the process of moving digital assets.

Think things like data-workloads-IT resources-etc.

This migration allows employees to securely access workloads without the risk of security breaches or non-compliance concerns.

Nearly 90% of global enterprises will depend on hybrid cloud technology by 2022, as per this post.

Cloud migration offers numerous benefits to business owners, as evidenced in this article.

Things such as:

Scalability & Automation

Cost Effective & Remote Collaboration

Integration & Storage

Cloud migration as a service assists business owners in shifting their assets safely-securely-and aggravation-free.

Companies offering bespoke solutions that minimize downtime and disruption will see substantial profitability with this futuristic idea.

Check out this link to see how this company is selling its services.

29. DNA Analysis

dna analysis photo

Human beings are kind of obsessed over the double helix structure that contains our entire genetic blueprint.

With the explosion of services like and 23andMe, over 26 million consumers in 2018 alone jumped at the chance to have their genetic structure analyzed.

People want their DNA tested for so many reasons and you can capitalize on them all.

Find familial relations spanning generations or find the perfect skincare serum– the possibilities are endless.

30. Biometric Sensor & Security Company

Efficient, effective, and secure are instrumental aspects to conducting business in 2020. 

Biometric sensors check off all of the boxes.

Biometric sensors are used to collect biological characteristics of individuals-think things like voice recognition, fingerprints, facial images, iris identification, etc.

Any human psychological or behavioral characteristics will do the trick in assuring that the biometric sensor can identify and verify for authenticity and security purposes.

100% automated, the biometrics market is worth over $16 billion and projected to see a CAGR of 35.5% between 2020-2025.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to this system, such as:Advantages & Disadvantages of Biometric Security:Advantage 1:

Automated calculation of employee hours reduces paper and manual tracking systems saving companies time and money.Advantage  2:

Allows physical access to buildings, internal resources, and computer systems without the risk of a security breach& strengthens existing security systems utilizing password only measures.Disadvantage 1:

The initial set-up costs are significant.Disadvantage 2:

There is still a risk of data breaches-hackers have a lot of time on their hands.Disadvantage 3:

Limited privacy for users.

The future is technology-based, which will only compound the need for security and authenticity.

Evidence supports that biometrics will become the new norm for things like access to personal or medical records, travel documents, taxes, and signatures as per this post.

Get in on this action now by starting up your own enterprise and you will see enviable ROIs by 2030.

31. DDoS Cyber Attack Prevention Security Company

DDoS is a malicious endeavor to disrupt the traffic to your computer server or network.

The goal of a DDoS (denial of service) attack is to make your online service unavailable to your customers.

By flooding your service with bogus requests legitimate traffic is impeded from accessing your website.

Not nice and more than a little disruptive for business owners.

DDoS attacks can also be costly to eradicate, so the company’s losing potential customers and out of pocket to repair the damage.

DDoS cyber-attack prevention security companies can stop these jerkes in their tracks.

The DDoS protection and mitigation market is expected to hit $9.10 billion by 2025.

With a CAGR of 24.9% between 2020-2025, this is the time to get crackin.

The number of attacks is growing, and more business owners and individuals are being proactive by enlisting the professional services of a DDoS security company which handles the following:

This article outlines the benefits and types of DDoS cyberattacks and how a prevention security company can not only mitigate the potential derailment but save business owners time and money.

32. Privacy Protection Firm

Every time you share your personal information on the internet you place your privacy at risk.

Unfortunate really given that these days we are conducting most of our lives online.

So how can you protect yourself and your loved ones?

Utilize a privacy protection firm.

While the general consumer believes that the business or government should be held accountable for any online security breaches, as evidenced in this article-legislation says otherwise.

As a consumer, your best course of action is to implement privacy protection measures before you ever need them.

Hence the rise in global data protection services.

Estimated to hit market values of $103.8 billion by 2027. 

And a CAGR of 31.3% from 2020-2027 as per this post, the writing’s on the wall.

Monumental changes concerning legal measures and regulations are in the cards for privacy protection concerning both businesses and consumers, as further outlined in this post.

The timing is impeccable.

Now is the chance to launch a privacy protection firm like one of these companies and begin securing hefty payouts with this top future business idea.

33. Stem Cell Therapy

The promise of great biological benefit has served to seriously blow the revenue-generating potential of stem cell therapy completely out of the water.

Experts predict that stem cell therapy will continuously experience a massive CAGR of 27.99% over the next 10 years.

The best part?

Even entrepreneurs without a medical or scientific background can reap the growing income potential. 

You can start a stem cell bank, a testing lab, or test the use of stem cells in beauty and health products or opt to invest in one of these options:Ways To Make $$$ With Stem Cell Therapy


Become a distributor (affiliate) for sites like SuperLife.


Open a ‘for-profit’ stem cell clinic or go the mobile route to minimize costs.


Invest in stem cell stocks such as the ones in this publication.

34. Nanotechnology In Medicine

T2 Biosystems is a leader in the field of nanomedicine.

This $184.8 million USA owned company is on a mission to revamp existing therapies and provide better diagnostics in areas like hemostasis and Lyme disease.

So what does that look like?

Atomic and molecular scales.

Nanotechnology is all about understanding the construction and combining of matter.

Think-science + medicine + engineering and computing + robotics.

The result?

Nano scaling that evokes faster-more efficient and powerful treatments.

Globally, the nanotechnology market is expected to achieve values of $126.8 billion by 2027 as per this publication.

That’s a CAGR of 12.9% over the predicted period.

Profound growth in an area of study that can improve specific cells-tissues-and save lives.

Nanomedicine encompasses several key elements as per this post, including:

Imaging & Diagnosis

Delivery of Drugs

Treatment of Diseases

Prevention of Health Issues

The possibilities are endless.

And we haven’t even hit the tip of the iceberg with regards to nanomedical developments.

This site represents another company currently in the field to give you a lay of the land with this future business idea.

35. Cryobank

cryobank photo

Who knew that the act of reproduction could become a money-making venture?

I mean, I guess it makes sense.

Since sex sells and all that.

People pay hundreds of dollars for high-quality sperm samples so the safe storage of sperm is incredibly valuable.

Competition among sperm banks is low so you’d be in the right space to turn a profit.

But you’re going to need some considerable funding and meet certain state requirements before you go all-in with cyrobank.

36. Skincare Spa & Clinic

A flawless complexion and pure relaxation– spas are well known for providing comfort and a taste of luxury.

They’re the ultimate retreat for everyday Americans and are even becoming more common places to frequent for younger groups.

ABC reports that the spa industry grew 21% per year in just the last 5 years.

Considering that skincare boasts $183 billion in revenue, joining these two powerhouses together has unlimited potential.

37. Marijuana Suppliments(USA)

We all know that in recent years, marijuana has become a more widely accepted drug.

Among the top 10 small business ideas, this is perhaps one of the more popular notions – and its popularity in futuristic business ideas continues to grow every nearly daily.

In many states, weed is now completely legal – even for recreational use.

The same is true for the entire nation of Canada.

With legality comes the inevitable shift towards mass-production.

Soon enough, people will be buying marijuana cigarettes at the gas station just like regular tobacco cigarettes.

Tons of big companies are jumping at the opportunity to mass produce marijuana.

Make no mistake-there’s a lot of money to be made here.

You could cash in by creating your own marijuana cigarette company.

Think about it.

How many different brands are there which produce tobacco cigarettes?

Surely there will be room for your marijuana cigarette brand on the shelf of every gas station.

But in order to become a competitive player in the game, you’ll need to figure out how to grow or source marijuana on a massive scale.

Start your business now, and you could be competing with the major brands by 2030.

38. Senior At-Home Care

Allowing your loved one to retain their comfort and independence matters immensely.

This helps bypass common concerns about the level of care and compassion your family member will receive.

As nursing home costs rise exponentially and become more overcrowded, at-home senior care is the best alternative for seniors who are still functional.

These service providers send trained staff to assist seniors with medication, appointments, and other household duties.

They are also trained on how to work different types of equipment a senior may need for use.

When doing cost comparisons, most families end up saving tons of money by hiring a home health aide so this business model supports families from all backgrounds and situations.

By 2030 one out of five Americans will be 65 years or older as per these stats opening a plethora of opportunity senior at-home care businesses like:Senior At-Home Care Business Suggestions:

House cleaning & errands

Meal prepPersonal care assistance

Non-medical in-home care


Money management & financial planning

Medical claims assistance

Nutrition & fitness consulting

Property management

This article offers a comprehensive list of senior at-care home business ideas for 2020 that are sure to be lucrative ten years from now.

It’s time to take action if you want to beat the rush and maximize your earning potential with this best future business idea.

39. 3D Home Building

Depending on where you’re from, tiny homes are either innovative and cute structures that offer the chance of homeownership or miserable representations of the severe outpacing of wages to housing costs.

Either way, constructing entire homes using just a 3D printer just screams ‘futuristic’ and you can get your hands dirty by getting directly involved in the market.

Perfecting a standard prototype that’s durable in harsh weather conditions and sustainable to live in is key to this industry’s continued growth.

Using this technology, a business could completely transform the availability of affordable homes.

40. Home Sharing

Who can afford?

Housing prices continue to spike in the United States and around the globe.

This has created an increasingly limited supply of affordable housing, as evidenced by this publication.

And there’s no end in sight.

Share housing is an investment that will pay dividends as long as you own the property.

And will help negate the continued demand for economical lodging.

Share houses offer shared spaces like bathrooms-kitchen-and lounge areas with private bedrooms for each tenant.

There are several benefits to share houses as per this post, including:

Lower Housing Costs

Assistance With Chores & Emergencies

Uncomplicated Way to Embrace Independent Living

As the owner of a share house, you’ll be compensated every month.

Cover your mortgage and property taxes.

And allow individuals struggling to secure affordable accommodation a cost-effective solution.

41. e-Commerce 

The world as we knew it is no longer.

Everything is moving online, and for business owners, you either need to pivot or run the risk of being left behind.

US consumers will spend over $709 billion on e-commerce this year alone, representing a growth rate of 18% and slated to hit $4.9 trillion by 2021.

E-commerce is the retail markets tomorrow.

With rapid advancements to technology-think smartphones, social media platforms, websites-interactive experiences-including shopping are online.

The beauty of e-commerce is that you don’t even need to make or own the products you sell.

You can utilize dropshipping.

This article I recently published explains how this system works in detail.

Alternatively you can opt to become an affiliate.

Hit up sites like and sell B2B or B2C using your website and e-commerce store as a selling platform.

The financial benefits of harnessing e-commerce are staggering.

Consider this:E-Commerce Highlights:

The time to get online is now.

By 2030 the majority of shopping will all be conducted digitally.

Consumers will use a brick and mortar establishment as an experience.

These types of businesses will have to make significant changes such as specialization and price reductions if they hope to stay in the game as per this post.

42. E-Commerce Inventory Management

Yep we get it.

E-commerce is blowin the roof off.

But what we also know is that there have been some serious kinks in the supply chain and logistics end of things.

This top future business idea 2020-2030 is large-scale.

But if you have the capital and play your cards right, you stand to make big coin with this suggestion.

Companies like CH Robinson are an e-commerce inventory management and warehouse firm becoming the answer to prayers.

This 3PL and supply chain company managed almost $20 billion in freight and $18 million shipments per year as per this post.

If you can establish a smart solution for contract carriers.

And a simplistic online shopping experience for customers you’ve hit pay dirt.

E-commerce is here to stay.

Provide a solution to an ever-growing problem, and this lucrative business venture will be well worth the investment.

43. Wind Energy

These days, wind power is becoming more and more viable. And that’s a trend that will probably continue well beyond 2030.

In certain areas, it’s possible to run entire towns on wind power alone.

Wind farms sometimes produce more power than they actually need.

In this case, it’s possible to sell the excess energy to the government or other sources for increased cash.

It’s definitely a profitable business to get into, and it should become more and more in demand as time goes on.

44. Biofuel Production

LS9, Inc. is a first-generation biofuel startup.

This American company is currently developing patent-pending UltraClean fuels and sustainable chemicals using synthetic biology as per this article.

Privately held, they have eight active team members-five investors, and funding of $75 million as per this post and are considered a leader in biofuel production.

A futuristic product-biofuel production is next level.

It can be used for vehicles-in industry applications-and replacing existing energy sources, as evidenced in this publication.

Considered a sustainable fuel-biofuel is any material derived from biomass as per this post.

Biofuel production is slated to see annual growth rates of 11.8%-15.3%.

Currently valued at $23.9 billion globally, the biofuel production industry is not without controversy.

There are a few pros and cons to biofuel production, as evidenced in this publication and include things like: Pros:


Whether you choose to invest or launch a start-up like the businesses outlined in this article-biofuel will likely become an integral part of our future.

And with it will come substantial ROIs for those who were willing to pursue this top future business idea.

45. P2P Lending Platform

The days of relying on credit scores and secure loans through financial institutions are numbered.

With alternative lending platforms like P2P (peer-2-peer) lending, individuals and business owners can take the big banks out of the equation when looking to obtain financing.

P2P lending has been around since 2005.

A highly monitored industry with strict government regulations and minimal knowledge of the process from the general public created sluggish beginnings, but as more Americans look for loan substitutes, this industry is becoming commonplace.

The P2P lending market brought in $67.9 billion in 2019, and evidence suggests that it will hit $558.9 billion by 2027.

That’s a projected growth rate of 29.7%-31.8% from 2020-2027, and it stands to reason that demands will continue to rise well beyond the forecast date.

There are already some big players in the P2P game.

Sites like ProsperLendingClub, and StreetShares are dominating specific facets of the industry.

Branching out on your own will take capital, persistence, and a bank to service your loans.

For optimal success with a P2P lending platform, pay close attention to the following:Steps For Success With P2P Platforms01

Your P2P lending website links borrowers with investors were you set the rates, terms, and transactions (this is part of how you make your $$$).02

Determine your commission, origination and late fees, and any costs associated with default payments.03

You can charge the lender-borrower or both (again, this is a way to generate income with your platform).

There is a ton of potential in this industry-the show is really just getting started.

You can opt to run your own production or connect as an affiliate with one of the players already mentioned.

If you think you want a solo act, check out this article, outlining the steps required to launch a P2P platform, and design a website customized to generate business-linking borrowers to potential investors.

46. Veterinarian Business

Pet ownership is more popular than ever in 2020, and it shows no sign of slowing down.

The pet industry is growing extremely quickly and is worth many billions of dollars per year ($90 billion to be exact as per this post).

While plenty of businesses revolve around pet grooming, food, and toys, there will always be a high demand for skilled vets.

People who have a strong connection with their “fur babies” want to ensure that their pets live as long as possible.

Vets can charge high fees for even routine surgeries, and pet owners have no choice but to accept.

That’s why starting up a Veterinarian practice is one of the best future business ideas for 2020-2030, and it seems almost guaranteed to succeed.

47. Crowdfunding Platform

I’m raising $50,000 to start my salon business!

The world is now more connected than ever, as even complete strangers can help someone in an entirely different country raise the necessary funds to start a business, go to school, buy a car, pay for a funeral, and so many more possibilities.

Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe have helped countless people raise money in this manner. 

You can have the same impact by creating your own crowdfunding platform based around a chosen niche such as helping others raise money to take the jump into entrepreneurship, helping start-ups secure funding, or just helping families down on their luck.

48. Online Car Dealership

car dealership photo

People are always going to need cars (even if they’ll be flying to work on their jet-pack in the next twenty years).

But the car-buying process as a whole has made a dramatic shift.

The thought of visiting a car lot, chumming it up with a sleazy car salesman, and wasting hours without the guarantee of driving away in something– yeah, I wouldn’t want to do that either.

With the click of their mouse, users are able to view inventory, inquire more about cars they’re interested in, apply for financing, and then the icing on the cake– their brand new car is delivered straight to their home.

If you think people would hesitate, the numbers are surprisingly astounding with a Washington Post article claims that over 53% of consumers would feel comfortable purchasing a car entirely online.

49. Wallet Payment Solution

Wallet payment solutions have been slow to catch on in the United States, but this market is well on its way to becoming a national conglomerate.

Wallet payment refers to any monetary transactions made with a digital or virtual wallet.

Using a small software program, wallet payment solutions securely store peoples’ payment details and make purchases ultra-easy.

American’s are dragging their feet primarily because credit and debit cards are already simple, convenient, and trusted methods of payment.

That being said-wallet payment solutions are taking parts of the world-specifically India and China by storm, as per this article.

 So-it is just a matter of time before this trend takes hold.

Projected to be worth an estimated $130 billion by the end of 2020, Gen Zer’s and Millennials will create consumer confidence and embrace the change.

Here is a market with some hefty and established brands like ApplePayMasterpass, and Chase Pay, but a little competition is healthy.

Play your cards right, and you, too, can secure profitability in an industry that will ultimately change the trajectory of the world’s future.

50. Grow Meat In A Lab

As resources dwindle, the search is on for sustainably produced food.

Livestock farms are actually a pretty huge burden on the environment, as they demand large amounts of feed and water to be successful.

They also cause an incredible amount of waste and pollution.

One of the solutions that modern science has come up with is lab-grown meat.

Using stem cells, scientists are able to grow meat in a lab, using a combination of nutrients and other ingredients.

The technology is far from complete.

Apparently, it doesn’t taste very good… yet.

How new business ideas come about can be creative or funny, but the ideas come, and people hop on the bandwagon with the intent of making it successful.

But it could definitely be the future of how we consume meat.

It’s considered ethical by tons of animal rights groups, and many different companies are rushing to be the first to offer lab grown meat on a wide scale.

Throw your hat into the ring, and you never know what could happen in the future.

You might emerge as one of the biggest lab grown meat companies in the world by 2030.

There are a few pros and cons to consider before jumping in head first such as:Pros & Cons To Grow Meat In A Lab Start-Ups:Pros


A lot of big financial gurus are in on the action as per this article.

If nothing else, grabbing some stocks may be worth considering.

51. Virtual Interior Design Consulting 

Interior design is all about visuals and placement, transforming a space into a sanctuary for clients. 

With the rise of technology, you can launch an interior design business and run it from home with just your laptop, tablet, camera gear, social media, and software.

You can see the entire interior and exterior of a client’s property or office space through the lens of a camera.

Then, you can create mock-ups for your clients, send them over, and consult about next steps.

The marketing of your new remote interior design business will largely depend on social media, your website, and reaching out to current connections in your network.

52. Online Currency Exchange

foreign currency photo

In 2018, global travel and tourism generated $8.8 trillion, which was greater than the growth rate of world GDP.

More people jetting off somewhere on a plane means a greater demand for currency exchange.

Yes people, America isn’t the entire world so that means American dollars are pretty useless in the international sphere.

The money in currency exchange comes from the fees you charge clients for your service, backed by a trusted partnership with a bank. 

Using this leverage, you’ll need to create a website for your business and secure specialized software.

53. Online Library

Libraries are gold mines of free information waiting to be absorbed.

Yet the crazy part is that libraries are often underutilized and neglected institutions, as people turn to mobile apps and finding information on Google instead.

Revive the nostalgia of your neighborhood library and remodel it to match the current technological and social landscape, namely the preference for web-based content.

As with most things, niching down will be easier to manage.

Do you want to loan out books about wealth and entrepreneurship or target broke college students by offering a library of textbooks?

Charge a membership access fee alongside a book rental fee with late fees applicable and you’ve got a money-making library run completely online.

54. Car Charging Stations

Electric cars are going to be massive in the future.

Some say that all cars will be electric in a few decades.

Even now, there are plenty of electric cars on the road, from the luxurious Teslas to the humble Nissans and Toyotas.

But even though the technology has arrived, there’s still a surprising lack of charging stations.

In the future, the gas station might be replaced by the charging station.

A charging station is a place where electric cars can charge their batteries if they’re running low.

These days, electric cars can take many hours to fully charge their batteries. But in the future, charging might be a quick and easy process.

In any case, starting a charging station business could be a great move for entrepreneurs with one eye on the future.

You might choose to start small with just one charging station, and then expand into an entire nation-wide franchise.

55. IT Service & Support

There’s no denying that the face of the corporate world will be digital.

As more businesses and individuals begin to rely more heavily on the internet and social media platforms, there will be software and hardware to contend with.

This need will generate an influx in demand for IT service and support enterprises.

The projected growth rate for IT services is 22% in 2020 alone, and with facets such as software development seeing upwards of a 32% growth rate, this is without question one of the best future business ideas to consider.

Not only will Americans need assistance with setup and maintenance, but there will inevitably be trouble-shooting issues.

The majority of the population is pretty clueless when it comes to tech stuff.

Advancements in technology around AI, Blockchain, Cloud computing, and elevated automation will leave even some of the most tech-savvy throwing in the towel.

If you are a bit of a tech nerd, then this suggestion is right up your alley.

There are several options within the IT service and support field that include:

This is only a small piece of an extensive list.

If interested, check out this article, which provides additional suggestions and a detailed description of each service.

56. Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing photo

ClickFunnels, just sponsor me already!

All jokes aside, that’s basically what affiliate marketing is.

You promote someone’s products that you love and if someone then purchases as a result of your promotion efforts, you’ll receive a nice little check.

If the concept is eluding you, check out this article I published breaking down the steps you need to take to be successful with affiliate marketing.

This business model works so well, that 81% of businesses take advantage of affiliate marketing in some form.

This allows you to profit off of someone else’s product and testimonials without actually doing any of the legwork. 

Talk about making money in your sleep.

57. Virtual Event Planning Platform

Event planning has a new look, and it is one that is leaning more and more on virtual and online affairs.

Video streaming services eliminate geographical constraints and pandemic regulations, allowing event planners to host virtual events to a remote audience.

If event planners want to stay alive in these unprecedented times, they will need to embrace virtual events to maintain cash flow and profitability.

A few key fundamentals to executing a stellar event online include:Tips To Secure Success With Virtual Event Planning:

Understanding the needs and expectations of your audience.

Develop your format-how will you make your event unique?

Pick your platform.

Determine your venue, day, and time.

Choose a host or MC-one that can captivate your audience and keep them entertained.

Keep it short, simple, and to the point.

Event planners provide an experience in addition to a service.

With the right infrastructure, some creative thinking, and a plan to shift to online solutions, this business model will continue to earn substantial profit margins well into the future.

58. Holographic Theater

The world mourned the death of Eddie Van Halen.

A monumental loss in a year already riddled with heartache.

But what if you could watch him-or any of the greats who are no longer with us-live one more time?


Maybe not.

The holographic theater industry may sound a little out-there even for the future.

But it’s here now and rapidly gaining momentum.

Predicted to see a CAGR of 27.3% from 2020-2023 as per this publication-companies like Base Hologram are setting the stage for transformation in the entertainment industry.

Using illusionary techniques-reflective surfaces-enhanced lighting systems-and special effects holographic theater creates the illusion of a live performance described in this post.

Captivating and mesmerizing-this futuristic business idea addresses many of the challenges the coronavirus has caused for the entertainment sector. 

A few areas where the holographic theater is being considered include things shared in this article like:

Enhance business meetings

Elevate business conferences

Trade shows

Live concerts & entertainment

Check out this post for more information on how holographic theater works and the endless possibilities it procures.

59. Vertical Farming

As the population increases, farms need to become more and more efficient.

Any farmer worth the salty ground they walk on will tell you that when it comes to farming, it’s all about maximizing the amount of food you can grow in a small area.

And vertical farming could be the best way to get around that problem.

This technology is exactly what it sounds like.

Instead of growing crops flat on fields, farmers grow upwards, stacking plants on top of each other to get the most out of their space.

There are plenty of modern cities today which are investing heavily in vertical farming.

Because this method saves so much space, cities can grow their food directly in their backyard, instead of relying on nearby farms.

Starting a business that specializes in this farming technology could be a very smart move.

60. Portable/Powermat Charging Station

Most of us don’t go anywhere without our cell phones, but we do tend to forget our charging cables.

While creating and selling portable chargers isn’t exactly new, you’ll notice that many public establishments still lack outlets and phone-charging stations.

You can broker a deal with local businesses (coffee shops, eating places, book stores, etc) in your area to set up your charging stations for a monthly fee.

This cash flow could help you expand your mobile charger business to include other offerings like battery cases.

61. Smart Apparel

Smart apparel is coming to a store/online boutique near you very soon folks.

With its surging growth rates, this niched industry is looking to net over $4 billion by 2024.

This subsector is still new, making it fresh for innovative ideas from budding entrepreneur techies. 

If you’ve got the research and tech chops, it will be well worth it to flesh out a developing idea.

Or, partner with people who specialize in doing these things and oversee/consult.

Researchers have tested smart apparel like 3D jackets, shirts that measure heart rate and location, jackets that connect to smartphones– the possibilities are definitely out there!

62. Tele & Video Conferencing

Have you lost count of how many Zoom meetings you have participated in over the last three months?

Get used to it people.

Without question, teleconferencing and video conferencing are the new norms on how businesses conduct interactions.

From networking and business communication, teleconferencing provides individuals from around the world the ability to maintain effective communication even during the throes of a global pandemic.

Never mind the education industry.

Imagine holding shares or  owning one of these conglomerates-looking pretty appealing now isn’t it?

Do not despair. 

There is still time to get in on this futuristic business venture.

Projected to see a growth rate of 9.8% between 2020-2026 and reach a market value of over $6 billion in the USA alone as per this publication.

Tele and video conferencing not only deliver alternate options to maintain efficiency, productivity, and personalization but as an industry is appreciating at record highs as per this post.

63. VR Live Events

Can’t make the annual conference or dying to see your favorite band before their tour ends? 

Imagine being able to purchase a ticket and experiencing the event as if you were there– all from your home.

VR would help people access live events from all over the world and generate untold revenue for those hosting the events.

Virtual events revenue is currently $78 billion, and projections suggest that this number will grow to $774 billion by 2030 as per this publication.

Everything from music concerts to conferences and exhibitions is headed in the direction of virtual execution.

There will no longer be a limit on tickets based on space when you could potentially sell millions of tickets to virtual and in-person spectators.

Though the adoption of VR for the modern world was expected to take effect slowly, no one could predict the magnitude the coronavirus would have on the world.

The unbelievable CAGR of 33.47% predicted for the industry speaks volumes about the profit potentials for businesses within this space. 

It would appear that the projected growth rate will be much higher than this.

64. 3D Printing

3D Printing is another industry that has really taken off as of late, and it’s projected to go even further as the years roll by.

3D printing allows people to create virtually anything from the comfort of their own homes. In the future, we might actually be able to download products instead of ordering them online.

Plans for 3D printed objects will exist on the internet, and we’ll be able to create them with a push of a button.

Our 3D printer will then manufacture the object, and we’ll be able to pick it up and use it within minutes.

Right now, most 3D printers are limited to using plastic as a material source. But in the future, 3D printers will expand to use other materials.

At a certain point, 3D printers will be able to create pretty much anything you can imagine.

Some of the more advanced 3D printers are very expensive, and the 3D printers of the future won’t come cheap either.

That’s why it’s a great business plan to start a 3D printing shop, where people can come and pay a fee to use your printers.

Start off with one or two 3D printers, and then gradually add more advanced ones as they become more and more popular.

It’s a pretty solid business plan.

65. eSports

ESports encompasses the competitive edge of live competitions with a gamer’s paradise.

Using video games, organized tournaments in any sport imaginable take on a digital presence, and people are taking notice.

Viewership alone is projected to see a CAGR of 9% between 2020-2023 and will roll in revenues over $646 million by the end of the identified time frame.

Americans love the social component-and let’s face it-we’re a competitive bunch.

Live streaming and social platforms are the driving forces behind this industry’s growth, and there is no time like the present to jump in on the action.

You can start an eSports platform of your own by adhering to a few recommendations such as:How To Start An eSports Platform:

Hone down your niche-pick one sport and get after it.

Choose your geographical area and ideal target market.

Get your team organized and remember to include branding.

Set up your infrastructure with the appropriate hardware, including an eSports website and remember to promote your team and pick a location.

Secure sponsorships to fund your endeavor and allow you to compete at an elevated level.

Fans-fans-fans and additional recruitment options are a must.

Without question, eSports is revolutionizing competitive gaming and is one of the best future business ideas for 2020-2030.

If you are interested in learning more about how to start an eSports team, take a read through this article providing the dos and don’ts on how to generate success with this suggestion.

66. Plastic Alternatives

Houston-we have a problem.

And one much more concerning than you might think.

Plastic could become the cause of human extinction if we don’t sort out our crap.

No joke.

With over 20,000 plastic bottles sold every minute in the world.

Don’t even get us started with plastic bags and packaging.

An environmental crisis giving climate change a run for its money-plastic pollution currently makes up 60%-90% of all marine debris as per this post.

So what can we do about it?

Invest in plastic alternatives like the ones outlined in this article, which include things like:01

Stainless steel straws & Edible water bottles02

Silicone food bags & Cassava ponchos03

Bamboo toothbrushes & Cotton produce bags

Business savvy individuals can also capitalize on this top future business idea by investing or owning land to produce-and provide sustainable plastic alternatives like those discussed in this publication including:

The time for change is now.

And as more governments impose stricter legislation around plastic-or ban its use all together-there will be an ever-pressing need for plastic alternatives.

67. Alternative Protein Food Products

Americans have finally committed to taking charge of their health and embracing lifestyle changes, and how we eat is at the top of the list.

With concerns around the environment, climate change, world hunger, animal rights, and national obesity, we are taking a closer look at what we put in our mouths.

The alternative protein food products industry is a great place to start as Americans opt to eat less meat and require a healthy alternative to meet their protein requirements.

Projected to see growth rates of 9.5% between 2020-2025studies suggest that the alternate protein food products market will be worth an estimated $17.9 billion by the end of 2025.

Industry leaders are already rolling out a wide range of plant-based and biotechnological innovations-think ‘Beyond Meat‘ and ‘Impossible Foods‘-to meet the accelerating demand for meat alternatives in the United States.

Alternative protein food products appeal to consumers for their health benefits and nutritional value, and there are several key factors driving demand:Key Factors Driving Demand:01

Growing population & urbanization.02

High nutritional value.03

Increase in venture investments.04

More significant concern around animal products & protein.05

Innovation in food technology.06

Rise in vegan & vegetarian population.

The US will be a leader dominating this industry, so whether you opt to invest or set up your own production process, alternative protein food products are sure to bring in hefty ROIs over the next five years and beyond.

68. Control the Water

If you’re serious about exploring future businesses to start, then be sure that your investment is going to carry you for the better part of your years – and we can all agree that clean water, including water delivery to households and commercial locations, is one of the more profitable avenues if you can do it in a private (and profitable) way.

Current wars might be fought over oil, but the conflicts of the future will be fought over water.

Make no mistake; water will become a limited resource in just a few decades.

And there will be a much bigger push to monetize and profit from the trade of drinking water.

Trading in water might be a very profitable business to get into today because you never know how lucrative it will be in the future.

Bottled water is already a massive industry currently valued at nearly $62 million in the United States.

With a CAGR of 9.6% between 2020-2024 can you imagine how profitable it’ll be by 2030 and beyond?

69. Online Tutoring Platform

College classes can be brutal and most students aren’t blessed with the most accessible professors.

With an online tutoring platform, finding trusted tutoring is easier than ever.

Your platform will match students with experts in many different subjects for virtual 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.

Plus, you’ll also be helping people make extra money from home teaching.

What better way to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship?

70. Social Media Network

If you think about it there are really 7 main social media platforms that dominate the social sphere right now. 

Millions of people use these apps each and every day. 

Online advertising is now an essential part of an overall marketing plan. 

So why not take a stab at pushing a brand new social media network?

Plus, with the advancement of virtual reality and AI, incorporating tech and user interaction may help you construct a completely unique platform that social and tech-savvy users will enjoy.

There are a number of  other ways you can generate a substantial income with your social media network such as:

How To Earn Money Through Social Media

  1. Pick a platform designated explicitly as your ‘bread & butter.’ 
  2. Join a network for influencers.
  3. Increase engagement by providing value-be transparent and consistent.
  4. Offer giveaways and loyalty reward programs.
  5. Hone in on your specific target market-distinct niche-really narrow it down and then hit their pain point.
  6. Connect with an affiliate company or sell your own stuff.
  7. Be on-point with trends and global events.

This article provides additional details on how to make money on social media and offers some tips you might find helpful.

71. Influencer Marketing

Companies like 6 Degrees understand how to play the game.

Influencer marketing is all about utilizing top players to drive a brand to a more extensive consumer base.

Think inspire-hire-and let the influencer do the heavy lifting as per this article.

And for the Gen Zr’s, it’s all about who’s wearing it.

Surprisingly it’s not the celebrities spurring shopping splashes.

30% of consumers are swayed by non-celebrity influencers as per this post.

And with an anticipated global annual growth rate of 32% between 2020-2025, this $6 billion industry will see revenues over $24.1 billion when the dust settles, as per this publication.

Businesses in the know are padding their budgets to the tune of 63% to fund their influencer marketing campaigns.

They’ve weighed the pros and cons outlined in this article, including things like:Pros


And the verdict is unanimous.

Influence marketing is here for the long haul.

Establishing an influencer marketing agency is a fortuitous opportunity to make substantial ROIs. 

72. Digital Marketing

Consider the magnitude of online opportunities.

When you think that by 2020 over 50% of businesses worldwide will depend on digital realms to build their brand-increase consumer awareness and grow their business, digital marketing is where it’s at. 

Driven by mobile responsiveness-consumer intent-AR/VR and transparency, business owners haven’t got many options but to embrace digital marketing as evidenced.

The sad reality?

Most don’t have a clue how or where to start.

And so they outsource to skilled digital marketers.

Individuals adept and capable of navigating and achieving online traffic-Google algorithms-social media platforms-you name it.

If it’s digitally enhanced-they need it.

There are numerous sub-facets of this $322.50 billion industry.

Projected to experience a CAGR of 10.3% from 2020-2027, as per this publication, there are countless ways to profit from this top future business idea 2020-2030.

A few suggestions include things outlined

  1. SEO & Web Development

2. Content Marketing

3. Graphic Design & Videography

73. Greenhouse Gas Auditor

It’s not just some conspiracy theory contrived of scheming scientists and politicians.

Greenhouse gas emissions are becoming more than just a little concerning.

Greenhouse gas in the atmosphere causes the Earth to heat up.

Hence the global warming crisis.

Greenhouse gas auditors have been identified as an effective way of controlling the issues.

Retained by companies-private greenhouse auditors are just the beginning of an abundance of roles associated with the carbon market.

Think things like cap and trade-emissions testing-quality control-etc.

Awareness in B2B and B2C markets continues to increase.

And will establish a shift in consumer expectations.

74. Solar Power

Solar power just keeps getting better and better.

The technology is advancing to the point where solar power won’t just be a great source of clean energy – it’ll be an obvious choice for everyone.

The sun represents an endless, free source of energy.

Once you’ve got your solar panels set up, you might never have to worry about an electrical bill again…

Or at least that’s one view of the future.

Starting a business that provides solar power solutions could be a very clever idea.

Most governments offer tax breaks for companies who are developing clean energy products, and this is a huge benefit.

A solar power company might provide solar panels to individuals and families who want to cut down on power bills.

On the other hand, you could provide solar panels to small and medium businesses, helping them power entire facilities and buildings.

75. Mobile Application Testing Services

Mobile Application Testing (MATS) is a $154.05 billion market and slated to see a CAGR of 11.5% from 2020-2027.

World leaders like Akamai are leading the pack in this soon to be $366.34 billion industry.

Providing businesses with the latest trends and recommendations-their researchers handle all of the background components to ensure programs run the way they’re intended to run.

Testing is becoming a crucial element for companies offering cloud and software functionality and includes various sectors. (Source:

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